Sharon Housing Partnership

Meeting Minutes Approved 4-4-07

February 7, 2007

Members in attendance: Jane Desberg, Robert Young, Susan Saunders, Mary Tobin


Hand Outs- Sharon Housing Partnership's Community Preservation  Project Submission Form (submitted Jan12, 2007), Sharon Housing Partnership Annual Report, and Sharon Affordable Housing Schedule (Jan 2007)



Motion to approve minutes of January 3, 2007.

Voted: Unanimously to approve minutes


Interview with Execu-Tech Consultants (ETC) - Catherine Luna, Rita Osborne, Joanne Colella

All are experienced working as Executive Directors for MA Housing Authorities. ETC has set up housing lotteries in Dedham, Mansfield and Norwood. Ms. Luna suggested the time frame involved in setting up the lottery for Hunter's Ridge would be approximately 3 months and that the biggest problem encountered has been applicants have had trouble getting mortgages. Wells Fargo, Eastern Bank and Sharon Co-op were suggested as banks that may be interested in providing mortgages with deed restrictions. Fees for lottery would be outlined in a MOU between Housing Authority and the developer. Ms. Luna mentioned 3% of sale price per unit as a reasonable fee. Marketing strategy included local newspapers, CHAPA, Craig's List, and local non-profits.


Interview with Housing Resources Group (HRG)- Marilyn Alwan

The HRG has worked on 13 projects. In the past HRG has worked with Towns and developers and not Housing Authorities regarding lotteries. HRG has worked previously with Mirrione Realty Corp. Lottery time frame was suggested to be about 5 months. Ms. Alwan suggested that the biggest problems encountered were incomplete applications- only about 20% of the applications sent out come back completed. Marketing strategy includes sending notices to libraries, Town Hall, and senior community venues. HRG does not utilize on-line marketing. 


Moved (Young/Tobin) to send a letter to the Sharon Board of Selectmen asking them to sign a contract entering into agreement with Execu-Tech.

Voted: Motion unanimously approved.


Winslow Road- Update

Perk tests have not been done to date. Jane will follow up with Town engineer and excavator.


Home Rule Petition-Update

Representative Kafka has filed the Home Rule petition to increase the asset limit for affordable housing to $400,000.00.


New Business

Susan Saunders reported that the house on Edgehill Road was probably not of interest. A property on Walpole Street may be of interest, however. Susan will follow up.


Jane Desberg reported that George Bailey contacted her to inquire whether the Housing Partnership would support the development of 4-5 units of affordable housing on the Glendale Village parcel. The need for the Housing Partnership to work cooperatively with the community and the strong neighborhood opposition to this project was discussed.  Mary Tobin, a potential abutter to the proposed project,  recused herself from this discussion.